Stay active with your kids this winter

Stay active with your kids this winter

In New Zealand we are lucky that the weather during the winter months is not too bad. But with shorter and colder days, many of us are less active and have low motivation to go outside. This can easily make us fall into winter blues.
While maintaining our wellbeing is important all year around, monitoring our mood throughout the change of season is particularly important.
Vitamin D is essential for the whole family in order to maintain good mental and physical health. Studies show that vitamin D deficiency is linked to a greater risk of depression, so getting a daily dose of sunlight will be good for everyone’s mood and wellbeing.
There are many benefits of doing exercise outside. For example riding a bike can relieve tensions, gives you the feeling of revitalization, increased energy and positive engagement, decreases anger and depression.
But all types of exercise are great for your health and going outside is even better.
Below are some tips to help you stay positive and keep active with your family throughout the winter months.
  • Enjoy a bike ride together and create some family memories. (find a great bike park in Auckland here)
  • Built an obstacle course (from pallets / boxes or use buckets as cones) and ride your scooter / bike around it.
  • Go for a walk and explore your neighbourhood. Even a 15min walk can already brighten everybody’s day.
  • Collect some shells from a beach or some rocks from a forest close by and decorate, paint them at home.
  • Start a small herb garden with your kids and use your painted shells or rocks to decorate it.
  • Craft some paper boats at home and take them to the next puddle outside. Let’s see if they float! Don’t forget to put your gumboots on!
  • When the weather is too extreme, find a nice spot by the window to soak up some sunlight and read a book together.
Remember Winter is only a season and will be over in no time! Stay well and keep active!
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